Barno-Wolfe, Shelley J. age 69, of Eden Prairie, died on April 14, 2023. She attended Ridgewood Church in Minnetonka and was a loving wife and mother. She is survived by siblings: David (Linda), William, Allison and Bruce, and stepchildren: Jason and Dennis Wolfe. She is preceded in death by her parents, Alex and Phyllis Barno, and loving husband John Wolfe. A private service to be held at a future date.
RIP Shelley. I have thought about you several times throughout the years. You probably have no idea the impact you had on my life. As a person who was the oldest sibling in my family, I had no reference points in certain areas of life. I was positioned to pave the way for my younger sisters. You, however, had reference points (older siblings) about becoming a young woman and shared them with me by your example, the things you talked about, the things you carried in your purse, the way you moved around socially among other "boys and girls" in school. We were all just experimenting with new experiences in young adulting. At that time (if I recall correctly, it was around the 9th grade), I saw you as an influencer, with all your transparency. In a way, you were like a big sister to me. I appreciated the person you were....with me, as a friend, among our peer-group, and for putting a light on the path that I could follow during the time of blossoming in our youth. It is with deep sadness I feel knowing you have passed on so early...we just don't know when our time will come, do we? You look very different in your posted photo compared to your senior photo, both beautiful, however. There are no descriptors in our '72 Year Book about you and little information given in this announcement. So many years you lived in between. My wish is you lived a fulfilling life and it ended well. Blessings and comfort to all your loved ones who mourn.
Carolyn Trimmer what a lovely sentiment. I too thought of Shelley over the years, and more so recently for some reason. I was at her house when I first listened to records with our era music on a record...the Beatles!!! She was playing a 45 and it remains such a strong memory in my life. I think it was I want to hold your hand and it rocked my world!!! Thanks Shelley!!!
Shelley was my next door neighbor from about age 6-18. The Barnos and Gustafsons kids and parents were basically one family so all the siblings really grew up together. No locks on the front doors back then, just back and forth anytime. Shelley was a great friend, maybe because she was really "normal ". I echo the sentiments expressed by the others posting. Thanks for the memories, Shelley and rest in peace.
Bruce Miller
Shelley J. Barno-Wolfe
Barno-Wolfe, Shelley J. age 69, of Eden Prairie, died on April 14, 2023. She attended Ridgewood Church in Minnetonka and was a loving wife and mother. She is survived by siblings: David (Linda), William, Allison and Bruce, and stepchildren: Jason and Dennis Wolfe. She is preceded in death by her parents, Alex and Phyllis Barno, and loving husband John Wolfe. A private service to be held at a future date.
Published on April 23, 2023 Star Tribune
Carolyn Trimmer
RIP Shelley. I have thought about you several times throughout the years. You probably have no idea the impact you had on my life. As a person who was the oldest sibling in my family, I had no reference points in certain areas of life. I was positioned to pave the way for my younger sisters. You, however, had reference points (older siblings) about becoming a young woman and shared them with me by your example, the things you talked about, the things you carried in your purse, the way you moved around socially among other "boys and girls" in school. We were all just experimenting with new experiences in young adulting. At that time (if I recall correctly, it was around the 9th grade), I saw you as an influencer, with all your transparency. In a way, you were like a big sister to me. I appreciated the person you were....with me, as a friend, among our peer-group, and for putting a light on the path that I could follow during the time of blossoming in our youth. It is with deep sadness I feel knowing you have passed on so early...we just don't know when our time will come, do we? You look very different in your posted photo compared to your senior photo, both beautiful, however. There are no descriptors in our '72 Year Book about you and little information given in this announcement. So many years you lived in between. My wish is you lived a fulfilling life and it ended well. Blessings and comfort to all your loved ones who mourn.
Cynthia R. Babcock
Carolyn Trimmer what a lovely sentiment. I too thought of Shelley over the years, and more so recently for some reason. I was at her house when I first listened to records with our era music on a record...the Beatles!!! She was playing a 45 and it remains such a strong memory in my life. I think it was I want to hold your hand and it rocked my world!!! Thanks Shelley!!!
Kevin D. Gustafson
Shelley was my next door neighbor from about age 6-18. The Barnos and Gustafsons kids and parents were basically one family so all the siblings really grew up together. No locks on the front doors back then, just back and forth anytime. Shelley was a great friend, maybe because she was really "normal ". I echo the sentiments expressed by the others posting. Thanks for the memories, Shelley and rest in peace.