Mr. Kedrovsky was one of my favorites. I was one of those kids that took all the Math courses getting ready for an engineering education and he stood out. It might have been geometry. As it turns out, he also taught the first computer programming course I ever took. We're talking quite early stuff here. I'm pretty sure it was 1969 and we were sophomores. We learned the Basic language on clackety teletype machines (round buttons that traveled a half inch when pushed). They were connected to a Control Data time share machine somewhere (probably at the "U") over a 300 baud dial-up modem. You stored your programs as holes on paper tape. I loved it and it helped set the path of my life into the computer industry (EE degree and 39 years at Hewlett-Packard). Did anyone else here take that class? Was it really taught in '69? (I know, I should remember that, but uncertainty creeps into everything these days.)
And, of course, he could draw that perfect circle on the blackboard by swinging his arm around his elbow in a way that shouldn't have been possible.
Yup, I took all the math classes too and he was my favorite. I'll never forget how many times he drew that perfect circle on the blackboard! Exceptional teacher.
Bruce Miller
Star Tribune 10 May 2017
Tim Nolte
Mr. Kedrovsky was one of my favorites. I was one of those kids that took all the Math courses getting ready for an engineering education and he stood out. It might have been geometry. As it turns out, he also taught the first computer programming course I ever took. We're talking quite early stuff here. I'm pretty sure it was 1969 and we were sophomores. We learned the Basic language on clackety teletype machines (round buttons that traveled a half inch when pushed). They were connected to a Control Data time share machine somewhere (probably at the "U") over a 300 baud dial-up modem. You stored your programs as holes on paper tape. I loved it and it helped set the path of my life into the computer industry (EE degree and 39 years at Hewlett-Packard). Did anyone else here take that class? Was it really taught in '69? (I know, I should remember that, but uncertainty creeps into everything these days.)
And, of course, he could draw that perfect circle on the blackboard by swinging his arm around his elbow in a way that shouldn't have been possible.
Patricia O'Brien
Yup, I took all the math classes too and he was my favorite. I'll never forget how many times he drew that perfect circle on the blackboard! Exceptional teacher.